On Life/Success

articles about how to deal with relationships at home: spouse, parents and children successfully. Also articles about how to come out of depressions, stresses, worries, boredom, bad memories and similar negative emotions

Dashain 2023

Like every year at this time I’m trying to plan on what I’m gonna do or what should I focus on in the coming year. Last year I had this grand and audacious vision that I will at least start writing books and in this year I managed to complete one full book and publish…


Today I feel a strange sense of seriousness. Something important I think or I feel , that I must do without actually knowing what it is. Even my eyes are feeling sharper, my mind more resolute and even my breathing shorter. it is not about money or status now. It is just a new feeling….


So finally I have completed all the framework for the book the diagrams and the bullet points. all that is left now for me to do is to write the book and I’m so excited. There was this last diagram that was needed to be done to explain a very complex but subtle topic in…

Frustration and the cycle of success

I woke up today with a sense of frustration about the struggle I have to endure to be recognized as a person who can or will make a radical change in the world through his knowledge. Before at the beginning when I was unemployed I already knew that had something to give to the world….

take nothing for granted

when you become old , one of the major things that you can know this is that you do not take things for granted and you do not drop relationships the way you used to when you were young, thinking that that another good thing would be happening just afterwards in a short while and…

On my second book

Writing my second book is it very different experience than my first book. Earlier the flow was so fast & smooth because I had already so many things that had been cooking in my mind all those years and that needed to be written down. In fact, I seem to be struggling to even start….

starting of the book

I finally manage to get my book started. I feel exalerated because it such a important step and after starting it should not take any time to finish it. I hope that I can finish it in 2 months. This time I will not make the mistake of leaving the editing for the future. Also…

my book

editing my book on the motivation theory is taking its toll on me. I am putting so much effort in it and the reward maybe absent total but then it is a good is of my calendar and I know that like Anything that have done in my past it will lead somewhere. Maybe that’s…

the blessing of failure

today is my birthday and and I don’t know but I have this sense that life will change into something different. Every year I feel this way. But nothing changes and it is okay. I will call whatever thinking or feeling last year doing my birthday. And I know that it is something totally different…

Half life

in a few days I will be 49 years old. I think about this time as my half line. Half my life is gone. I have no regret about what I should have done and what I should not have done. Whatever I did and whatever did not do I am ok that I am…