On Life/Success
articles about how to deal with relationships at home: spouse, parents and children successfully. Also articles about how to come out of depressions, stresses, worries, boredom, bad memories and similar negative emotions
Left or right?
Lately I am being torn with conflicting thoughts. On one hand I love my life and and on the other hand I wish that I had another life. The life that I have now is one of peace and joy. But what is lacking is action and adventure. The life that I seek is one…
May be, a new direction
As I was swimming today, I had a new thought. since economy is shrinking and the corporate sector basically has no more money to spend on training or activities that are beyond the normal thing, I was thinking maybe I should change my target group and even my offerings. Why not position myself as a…
on life and mistakes
I made many mistakes in my life. At times I wish that I could undo them, but It’s not gonna happen because what’s done is done. The mistakes that I made were not intentional, but they were mistakes on the list that affected people. The older you grow, the easier it becomes for us to…
the story of life
There are so many things i could do but i can’t do. But as i see the flow of humanity from my window i realize the world has got much more difficulties than I. Some are winning, at least for now, and most are losing. So is losing a the default? I have experienced life…
A life awaiting me
Today I woke up with dreams in which I felt incomplete, mistaken and wanting. I also dreamt that there was some kind of proposal that I had completed and someone asked me to put a cover on it to make it more beautiful. And the subconscious is always one step ahead of the conscious. I…
Mission : Writing
So that’s it it’s time to start writing my new book. I’ve discovered how to exactly manage my writing so that it can become a video book also. I have finished all the framework and all that is left now is to speak my books. I’ve designed a new routine and new formats for writing…
Uncertain career
Nepal is going through ever died the session I am not exact from the downfall of economy. I am just wondering which direction my career will go. There are many things that I could do but I am not doing and many things I want to do but I am not getting to do. That…
Waiting for the deserving clients
Today I feel so normal in my new high level of endorphin stage. I had this dream where I was putting fuel in two or three white aircrafts on the runway. The fuel was green. I sent out two proposals that could really change my career in the coming decade. Again I don’t have my…
at the crossroad of life again
I am again at a crossroad of my life in terms of career. I managed to finish three major books and now writing is not such a great task for me and I can keep writing all my life so I don’t need to give full time and energy to it. I’m planning to do…
2024 Jan Planning
I have completed the part two of my trilogy on the book series called the Unified Theory of Motivation and Living. It was a massive undertaking. I’ve achieved the impossible but at this point I am blank because I have no more challenge left and I am now looking for my next challenge for the…