What to own now?

March 18, 2017
1 min read

The mental tension of a footpath seller is no less than the merchant of tonnes of goods. Both dread the possibility of that call telling them accident destroyed their stock.

All my career I never owned physical goods to sell. To me it seemed like a burden .

Owing money and shares appealed a bit more to me.

But the idea that I’d have to spend all my energy protecting & growing them repulsed me. I didn’t care.

what needed protection & nurturing was my soul.

Now at 43, my soul is grown fully at least to the stage where attention isn’t needed.

Now I have to choose what to own , protect & grow . what am I willing to lose sleep over ?

patents & copyrights

I chose vision , my vision of “Billionai reship”

This is what makes most sense to me.