Point of Desperation

March 19, 2017
1 min read

I’ve reached that critical point. The idea of Billionaireship is so ripe but executing or eating it now would result in failure. There is no question of giving it up. But the fear someone else will do it instead looms. However it should be very improbable there is another one like me with the experience and thought process required to come up with this idea. Still a mountain top could be reached from many sides.

Today I felt desperate after many many years. 2004 to 2005 was a time similar to now. It was a total make over.

I wish I could be pitching my idea and get started but it is still too early.

I must refine the idea to the simplest level. So simple it would be too hard to believe. To that I am still lacking some knowledge.

I will eventually cross today’s point of desperation !