The 10 Tests of Leadership

July 3, 2009
5 min read

Once upon a time a there were two brothers, Varun and Quado who both wanted to be leaders.  Their father was the leader of the city.  He was admired by all. 


When he spoke, the people listened, what he said, the people followed, what he forbade people did not even think of .  His presence could be felt in every face of the city, in every justice delivered, in every new venture undertaken.  Faces, justices and ventures all shone with goodness. 


Under his reign, many natural calamities, foreign invasions and internal mutinies broke out but he navigated the city out of all crisis with the agility of a deer , and sheer faith of an elephant in escaping the clutch of hungry tigers. 


Many people said that he was in some kind of contact with a higher source of intelligence.  Why? Well, the changes that he brought in the city many other leaders wanted but they could not.  In his case, it seemed that some invisible force worked for him round the clock, influencing people to follow him, by debating inside their heads.  It was as if people who would naturally go left, would suddenly go to the right, being pushed and pulled by this invisible force. 


This magical field could best be felt on the days he addressed the city at the Grand Hall.  All the hundreds of thousands would gather, and in the moments of his speech’s ascending drama, there would still be pin drop silence.  It would feel as if a big blanket of positive energy had engulfed the whole mass.  It would be so exciting that many would faint.  Others would feel such ecstasy beyond that of any kind of pleasure.  Being there as he spoke was like being splashed by a rain of positive energy. 


 The people lived with honor. The city was blessed and the future was bright. 


Then one day, the leader made an announcement.  He said, “It is time for me to leave and pass on the leadership to one of my sons, Varun or Quado.  The best leader among them will be chosen. In order to choose I will take 10 tests.” 


So all the two sons gathered to take the 10 tests. 


The leader asked, what the most important thing to be a leader.  Varun said, “Being able to command people.”

Quado said, “Being able to understand the vision of the higher intelligence and what he wants from you.  Because the leader is only a medium to his grand vision.”


The leader then asked, “What is the biggest source of power for a leader?”

Varun said, “His army, his judicial system, and his intelligence.”

Quado said, “His inner leader who is his true commander-in-chief.  He is also in everyone’s heart so by taking him as the biggest source of power, people will follow without the need of arms, law or even cleverness.” 


The leader asked, “In case there is conflict among your team who’s side to do take?”

Varun said, “Whoever supports my ideas, I will take his side.”

Quado said, “Every one has a different way to see the world.  Some people are right for a particular time, but then wrong at another time.  I must use my judgment to decide whom best to listen at what time.  So in case of conflict I want to keep all my options open and make peace with all.”


The leader asked, “Do you believe in politics?”

Varun said, “No.  I will be the leader and all will follow me.”

Quado said, “Whenever human beings are put in one group, no matter even if god is their leader, there will be some kind of politics.  It means someone will always want to be more powerful than others.  I believe I must play the power game in order to keep the city running smoothly.  But the objective is to fulfill my vision.”


The leader asked, “What will be my role when you will take over?”

Varun said, “I will not want to disturb you, father.”

Quado said, “I too will not want to disturb you but I will keep you informed of my progress so that you can guide me as needed.”


The leader asked, “What makes people want to follow you?”

Varun said, “My orders.”

Quado said, “My enthusiasm will make them want to follow me.  In turn they will also get lighted up. And then I will not have to make any efforts for them to follow me.”


The leader asked, “Why do people keep doing what you say, even when you will be gone?”

Varun said, “Because they owe me or because they respect me.”

Quado said, “Because I have respected them while I was alive and they feel they owe it as a matter of respect to continue what I asked them to do before I died.”


The leader asked, “How to get the things done very fast.”

Varun said, “By setting deadlines.”

Quado said, “By delegating and making them set their own timelines so that they will be responsible.”


The leader asked, “By what is a leader most reputed.”

Varun said, “His speech.”

Quado, “The quality and promptness of his actions.  A leader must take action when needed.”


The leader asked this last question, “What is more powerful in the leaders’ arsenal, brains or emotions?”

Varun. “Brains as the leader must be a mastermind.  Emotions are for the weak”

Quado said, “Emotions are very powerful.  People respond to my feelings before they can get into the logic of my words.  I believe emotions and the ability to harness them is more important than brains.”


The leader upon assessing the 10 answers given by Varun and Quado, gave his decision, “Varun would make a great leader but I believe that Quado will make this city even more prosperous. So I have chosen him. Does any body have any objections?”


Saying this the mass said, “Long live Quado, our new leader.”