Where Negative Attitude leads …

January 2, 2011
1 min read

Negative Attitude can lead to the following outcomes:

  1. Marital  dispute
  2. Having to See others Progress And one  at last
  3. Looking older than one’s  natural age
  4. Falling sick faster and slow recovery
  5. Meeting with acciddents 
  6. Not being given opportunities
  7. Making more enemies
  8. Bad people setting attracted to one
  9. Will get scolded frequently for no valid reason
  10. Being fired frequently
  11. Not being taught by seniors
  12. People avoiding one
  13. Getting late no matter how much  one tries

All these outcomes we don’t want in life. But you can avoid these firm occuring by Changing your attitude .

This is observable at behavior level. It effects people around.

At a Cosmic level  it touches through energy.