Life decisions

October 27, 2014
2 min read

Life has strange ways to tell you things. Over the decades I learned to understand what it tries to tell me. “stay”, “quit” – these are common decisions we need to make. “Everything’s Ok”, “something’s not right” and “there’s something seriously wrong” – are perceptions we regularly have. Others are “Do”, “Don’t do”.
I have relied on a unique information system to make those decisions. I just take observation of the physical environment and then check my feelings. I divide feelings into emotional and spiritual. I pause a while. Then eventually emotions leave way to a more synchronized and calm feeling. I call it spiritual but where its origin is I am not sure.
Life has been good to me because I have learned to ride its waves.
If I hadn’t listened to life this is how my life would have turned out:
1. married to the wrong girl
2. successful in the wrong profession for me
3. in the wrong partnership
4. Not enough experience
5. Into vicious acts, Alone and broken
6. Selling typewriters in the age of computers and smartphones
7. Playing office politics to hang on to high salary and benefits
8. Depending on parental wealth
9. Just well to do but never a billionaire
10. Regretful for not doing what I could when I could when it didn’t cost me anything

In the end my unique information system enabled me to take the toughest and most creative decisions that paid off in my favor. At first I always felt I was the victim but later on it turned out I would win tremendously.

Not all people can boast like me. I perfected my U.I.S over a lifetime.