Attaining the supreme state

August 22, 2020
1 min read

i have made some major progress in my spiritual life. it is undeniable that without this corona virus i could not have achieved those stages. if it was not for this crisis, i would be running around the country, earning more money.

I have attained the supreme state that the scriptures have talked about but was not possible in the full extent any time before today because the technologies, science and philosophies were lacking.

In short now i will say i attained:

  1. shiva state : 8th chakra, samadhi , delta wave
  2. the vishnu state: medulla oblaganta , yog nidra, theta wave
  3. bhrama state: the solar plexus, full alertness, gamma wave

with the internet I am reading books 5 hours a day. So much knowledge was impossible to get anytime before.

Despite all this attainment i am tranquil, un conspicuous. i will remain this way.