Just last week I had a surgery to remove my appendix. The standard operation requires 7 days full bedrest. I’m on my 7 th day today.
I had been handling in total 7 major companies and 2 minor roles in 2 other companies. The astute manager I am I solved every issue before they’d come up.
So I was able to live 7 days without disturbance. I never was in bed rest. I had injuries but it wouldn’t stop me from being active. I was bed bound a few days but not with the threat of tearing stitches if I disobeyed and moved abruptly.
Deciding to her operated and leave my body fully in the hand of experts was the biggest decision i had to take. I let go as the anasthetic took effect. For the first time in my life I was unconscious. I even never had fainted in my life. I never had lost account of any time in the life. There I lost consciousness.
I woke up apparently two hours later. There on began my journey into the state of old age.
I realized how helpless and dependent one is. You can’t stand , sit, cough , lie down without assistance. Even the mundane act of peeing couldn’t be done alone.
I enjoyed emptying my bowels daily but that wouldn’t happen until the 4 th day. It took so much effort in the form of walking as i couldnt contract rectal muscles.
All I took for granted appeared so distant and hard.
Then it was lying on the bed that impresses me. I chose not to have tv in my room. I spent all the time in a state of pause. I was not empty. My mind had 7 companies to think of if it was bored. Only my watch told me time as my house is such in isolation that I d never know which day of the week it is and which time if the far it is except it being bright or dark.
At this time you appreciate being married. How would a man of 41 handle a situation as simple as this without a devoted wife? Money can buy nurses but the relationship is fickle yet I guess these rich single men find a way around this limitation.
Time stands still in bed rest. I adjusted my bed seat in such a way my back and arms would be semi erect. It was amazing I never felt lost or remorse. I then realised i must have lead my life wisely so far.
I had a mental battle though. I wanted to know what to desire from now on as I feel I have achieved so much in a lifetime already and got all my hearts desires. The culmination of those was this tissot watch I’m wearing.
Now with so much success under my belt i struggled to choose my next battles. Watching old videos of napoleon hill and George Meek and few others about the science of spiritual findings, i recalled I was so powerful i had already materialized all my life’s desires of childhood and youth. What should i do with this immense power that now is no more experimental but plug and play state ?
But all this experience have me a peep into the future when I’d by old and sick. Wow!
I would be a good old man in guess. I appreciate small things. Strangest thing i experienced is how getting ready held a totally new meaning. When someone have me a time i would prepare to be on time. It felt more important than when i was fine.