What’s life about?

November 17, 2009
3 min read

Is life all about earning more money?  I am blessed with a talent that takes me to so many organizations all year round, across many lands.  Someone in one organization sees himself as supreme and another inferior.  But as soon they step out of the organization no one sees the difference between the two or should we say no one cares.

Just last day i was driving with my university buddy, and he described his world of grants, stipends, commission.  His world is so different than that of bankers.  Theirs is about measurable profits.

Then i also work for colleges.  There life is easier.  Its all about getting students and maintaining a standard.

Next the construction companies.  It is a different world, with labors, supervisors as heroes.

The traders are all about making sales and running after the collection.  They have a shop and that is their world.

Then i consult venture capitalists.  It is a different world, full of confusion.  Money matters but also it can’t all matter.

The development organization have altogether different set of worries.

Then i have friends who are so rich that they don’t have a job.  Their world run on a different clock.

I have lived the life of an employee also. Now i am a free man.   I don’t even want to be bonded by a company of my own, not yet until i can walk on water.

There was so many worlds in this world.  Then the way each person percieves the rest of the world itself is amazing and different, colored by so many incidents.

Over the years i have mastered the art of programming any minds and any group mind.  These two i can see in front of me.  I have also succeeded in changing organization minds but i have not been given enough time to see the results that take usually one year.  But i get reports.  They have changed as per my vision.

In the end thus i ask myself, what is life all about?  It is not all about money, power, fame.  In fact so few people get these.  For me life is about feeling energized, motivated, happy and rich, healthy, fit.

The sad truth is that 99% of the people don’t know what they want in life.  Every body thinks they want money, a house, a car, property, their own organization.  But it is not that.  And they don’t know that.

Every day i look into life with the eyes of a yogi. I am free.  I am happy.