The Real Woman

December 22, 2010
2 min read

Man is left in an array of confusion regarding women.  He sees them in one way in the media, and in a totally different way in real life.  The media portrays our inner illusions because harsh reality doesn’t increase TRP (television rating point) , lofty illusions do.

The illusion is: women are sources of pleasure.

The reality is: women aren’t sources of pleasure. They offer pleasure when they are in a good mood or want to.  When they aren’t in mood or don’t want to they don’t give pleasure.  It is the same with men.

The illusion is: women love to be wooed.

The reality is: women like to be wooed at certain times of their lives, menstrual cycles by certain type of men, in a certain manner.  It is the same with men.

The illusion is:  women are understanding and caring.

The reality is: women understand and care when they feel comfortable about it or think they benefit from it.  It is the same with men.

The illusion is: women are confident.

The reality is: it is only that they dress-up and put more make up giving off an air of confidence and there is no reality in it.

The illusion is: women are always ready for copulation.

The reality is: women also need to be aroused like men.  In case of man it is from softness to hardness.  In case of women it is from hardness to softness but it is as hard and temporary.

The illusion is: women are good.

The reality is: Women are good , at some time and bad at another.  it is like men.

So I could go on like this for much longer but I think you got the point: real women are like real men.

Being a man for the last 36 years, it is a tough nail to get into my mind.  But after 6 years of marriage it is getting easier to nail the idea in my head.