l always knew that l shouldn’t aim to be a ceo. Its a feeling similar to a monk having a feeling he should never get married’
l know where this feeling is coming from but for now its a secret.
However at times, the power that comes with being a ceo, lures me like an apsara the tapashwin. At times I feel like wishing to be a ceo for that’s all it takes me to achieve. The urge becomes compeling at times.
Then l tell myself. What part of being a ceo do you miss? Is it worth it compared to the reason you chose not to be a ceo?
Is being able to spend money on any project worth the freedom of my heart?
Is the ability to make the final decision worth the inner peace?
Is the power to start, end and alter worth the joy of being and doing?
For me the answer is Clearly “No”. But most people are confused.
Truly only few people are born to be ceo’s. Most will be ceo’s and miserable at the same time.