It must be clear that everyone has a problem of some kind.
I chided my mother over the fact that the characters in movies and serials always face one problem or another. It just seems their life is a series of problems. Truly a serial is watchable because problems Occur. That they are ridiculous is totally a different matter. To them these problems cover their entire lives.
However reality doesnt seem far different from those serials. People are engulfed in themselves once problems occur. To them it is big. It takes as much space in their minds as the threat of a nuclear bomb blast would take in case of a president.
In terms of proportion there is no difference. Both occupy the same ratio. It doesnt matter if Your milk spilled after over boiling or a negotiation is going utterly wrong and so people were shot, to the experiencer the tension arising is ofthe same proportion.
Is it a flaw or a merit of the human mind? That is a question difficult to answer.
Whichever over the Years I have thus learnt undermine anyone’s problem unless they demand so or the situation necessitates it. Otherwise I found it is better to leave them live in illusion that their problem is the biggest.