writing – my best friend

April 4, 2020
2 min read

as I listen to old french songs I realize where my sentimentality and poetry comes from. I didn’t realize it but my childhood has influenced me in many ways. It is not that i relate to the french life of high individualism but it is the may be the place or the aura of the place or even something else, that i relate to.

When I was in class 8 i wrote my first essay that won me a prize and propelled me in the path of writing. My first sentence was , ” The sun set….”.

why ? I don’t know.

but it was only 2 years ago i noticed the sun set for the first time, i was 44.

today at 46, i watched the sun set fully. like yesterday. now i will make a ritual until the lockdown.

For the first time billions of people are forced to reflect, contemplate and meditate at once: it is amazing.

1 millions with covid-19. at the current 3 to 4% death rate, there will be about 50,000 deaths. These poor souls will never know what happened like those who died in wars before.

I wonder: they die and they will take a new birth. they will forget much but their karma won’t leave them.

I look at my uncle in his 80’s waiting for death, yet afraid of it but unknowing what to do with the remaining life.

i never needed a friend because I was always the one giving and never able to take because they didn’t have anything i wanted: certainly not the strength and guidance i needed. at one time when i severely alone i had friends for those 2 in singapore.

But for me writing like this is the best friend.