The bigger your vision is the longer it will take to take fruition.
My vision is immense. It is so big even i find it hard to fathom it at times. I’m thinking about owning the very source of all economic growth. I can see myself owning a piece of everything, every company and every transaction. Yes a kind of government but one chosen instead of imposed.
This vision is so outlandish i think I’m mad.
But in not going to own everything only 10% of everything.
How will this machine work ? I can imagine it working but why would anyone pay for it ? Even the benefits are clear. Then what ? How to start it? No even that’s clear. Then ?
Why would god allow me to fulfil this vision ? Again this is clear .
The final question is why would existing key holders of the current system I’m trying to reform allow me ? The answer is different. Because they can’t stop me. They’d stop me if they could or if they knew what i was doing and what my goal was. But no one can ever imagine my master plan.
This vision is so big i can think if it only on a time span of 40 years of my life. Earlier would be impossible.
This vision is so complex i get filled with confusion and negativity of the highest order.