Some thoughts on my life

February 12, 2022
1 min read

My tooth is hurting due to the RCT, and it makes me realize that even a buddha can’t have good teeth. I also need to check a smear in the face skin. Again it is karma i know and i need to take care of them.

I am very calm at the end of the 3rd wave of corona. will there be a 4th wave? I don’t know what others have gained from these mishaps but i made full use of these losses.

today i know how to live in oblivion as I would be when 80 to 90 years old. I don’t need any stimilus to be what i am and do what i have to do.

I have ENOUGH and found ways to fulfill all my most expensive desires at no cost so whatever money i have is excess. Will the world ever be able to learn from me? I have mastered the 3 modes of nature and the wheel of karma. Even if bullet hit me or i was crippled i would not complain, but i know these are not in my karma this life. Pain is painful no doubt but we need to rise from it.