Thinning line between man and woman

April 19, 2012
1 min read

Increasingly as I age, the line between sexes is appearing more and more narrowing.

I started my adolescence like all, envisioning girls as fairies.

Like any normal adults being in relationship with real girls, disillusioned me.

Then we all hold the image of woman less intellectually gifted. But I realize after getting my toughest projects completed women, this last frontier didn’t hold also. Like some men at dump and others are genius, do is it with women.

Also remained that women were wiser in relationships. Even statistically there would not be found much significant differences between sexes.

of course done personality traits are there but again I doubt if they are statistically relevant.

My conclusion is plain upto now. men and women differ fundamentally in the way they execrete and in their roles at reproduction. The rest was merely thousands of years of conditioning that is being undone since the last fifty years. Some rejoice, while others dread. But for sure what is that what thousands of years of literature on women and men is being flushed and te written.