Today I feel more excited, actually elated, hopeful, determined. I feel young, ready to take on the world. i feel i am 30 and starting my career all over again.
May be it was the dreams i had last night that boosted my energy. Most likely it is an indication that things have changed. I am starting a new life. I have to. What else can I do?
There won’t be any client conducting training like before. Consulting was about growth and now it doesn’t exist. the realization that training and consulting in times of survival is a hard sell, too hard, too uphill, not worth trying. it won’t come by its own.
so here I am at 46 and having to re-start.
Unlike before at 30 i can’t do anything. I have a brand.
Also i don’t need to accept any opportunity. I have enough money for a lifetime. and even if i didn’t do anything more, i have enough achievements under my belt to be happy.
However i am so young and i still will be active till 80, so i need to find myself a new life.
I always thought that my old life would continue forever. I’d enjoy the trips, the audiences, the research, the reports forever. but I realize it is not going to be so. At least not until 5 years when the world will be a growth stage. and that it also so unlikely as the gods themselves have intervened in the world to change the very model of existence from growth to sustainability.
I know. so i adapt. so i am energized.
What exactly i am going to do, i don’t know but i have some starting points . I won’t be making any calls right away. i want to work any ideas out well in my head before taking any action. i will be forgiven for not rushing.
i have got the general objective of my new career, or should i say vision.
I must be part of the transformation of the world into the new age of sustainability from growth.
i will be a guide. in what form, how i will be paid. i don’t know.
For now i am thinking of TV. but i don’t know. I need to play with these ideas more.
This much for now.