Every action have consequences : thats the secret understanding

March 31, 2012
2 min read

Usually people learn when it’s too late. There are pros and cons to this approach but my view is that one was to be aware. We can’t allow ourselves to be reckless. Every action had a consequence.

The fool thinks they don’t exist like the drug addict, sex offender or even the corrupt bureaucrat or over ambitious entrepreneur. But then on the other spectrum are the other fools who think every thing may lead to a mistake and thus hide in their blanket all day, sunken in alcohol, stuck at a job for life out of fear.

The secret in reality is to find a balance, here too.

Categorize your actions into:
1. Sure will bring negative consequence
2. will not bring any negative consequence
3. may bring negative consequences but with certain counter actions they can be surpassed.

Truly in my experience most actions fall in category 3.

Living in this category 3, is fun and rewarding.

When mahatma gandhi said that we should experience everything in life even drugs he spoke with the clear understanding that those actions would have negative consequences and he may have tried drugs but had an exit plan.

Jumping into the ocean uys fun and rewarding if you wear protective gears knowing it can kill you.

same with jumping from a plane. It can be fun and rewarding given you wear a parachute.

So my message is clear don’t wait till it’s too late to learn.