I am reaching a new level in meditation. the 0.9herzt binaural beats was creating some problems despite having used it for over 4 years. Reluctantly i used the 0.5herzt binaural beats. As a result i am able to submerse more easily into samadhi for often.
I took a pause of about 2 weeks to begin a new meditation matching with my increased workload and outside visits. It was beneficial.
So as I return to my 2 hours meditation routine , I find many differences:
- now it is more direct into the samadhi state like willing to sleep
- Thoughts move extremely slow
- i know i have to learn to navigate this new state of mind, most likely filled with high level of DMT
- i am using no models, it is free flowing.
much of the thought is about what next in my career also. I feel more encompassing brain power.
Yet i know i will have to reach and operate from the state of ‘beyond samadhi’ , the level of gods, and buddhas.