At the cliff

March 4, 2022
3 min read

Especially today I felt like a new time or new era has come for me. After very long I did not know what to do.

The online chatting developed in me a missing quality of humility and removed the fear of rejection. Also it added a skill of babbling, hustling and being shameless. In order to fulfill my destiny of ‘being president of ceo’s’ I will need those skills and new characters. before even to make a call i need to think so many times. now I just decide and do it. I made 2 calls today , sent 1 long due sms. But I was awkward before because I had to finish my meditation. Whatever the reason, time has come for me to change.

Also watching the documentary of Ralph Lauren inspired me. I was asking myself:

  1. who will want to follow me, my way of thinking and living?
  2. how to engage the mass in this endeavor?

After watching Ralph I found the answer my drawing a parallel. He used fashion and clothes to make millions follow his way. I too will use a medium i don’t know yet.

But i know it is possible and the world is waiting for me.

I see myself now a friend to CEO’s where i would go hangout in my free time.

It is a tough call. But one that I need to make.

The online chatting taught me that duality was needed to create dopamine. The easiest duality is ‘f’ and ‘m’. Also it is powerful because is also generates estergen and testerone. but now i am transforming the triggers to the duality of ‘client’ and ‘supplier’ or ‘non-friend’ and ‘friend’. It is still a raw thought but i don’t see why i will not succeed.

I will be 50 in 2 years. I ask myself what I want to do for the rest of my life. I will be 60 in 10 years, 70, 80, 90, and time will pass just like that because i recalle being 30 as if yesterday and as we age the perception of time will shorten further more as the ratio of life lived : total life, increases.

At times I wonder if I had spent all those hours and typing on online chatting in writing, i would have completed several books. but i know that was for various important reasons:

  1. finishing karma by meeting people i needed to interact
  2. transforming my characteristics
  3. gain knowledge of people in a way that otherwise would never be possible even from books, that is their sex lives.

So i have no regret. books were not finished but then foundations were made.