Thought of the day

short write ups containing insights relating to the present

Inspiration from the unexpected

Last week my wife and myself, had a roller coaster ride of fear.  My wife’s period did not happen on time.  Obviously we have to consider pregancy.  It would have been a joy if we had planned for it and if we already did not have a 14months old baby on our laps, two careers,…

What’s in a new year anyway?

The best part of any new year for me is the reflection of the past year followed by the contemplation of the coming year.  Give it a try… We need to find any reason there is to look back at life and not wait for the day we are on our death bed.  Every new…

Lose-lose-lose scenarios: a sad reality of Nepal

Today saturday 18th April, there was a news in a national paper, Kantipur, that a certain project aimed at solving power crisis in Nepal to some extent by cutting losses was not able to launch and that the budget of 18 million has swelled to 80 million due to so many demands put by all kinds of…

Active Patience

Patience must be most important virtue required if one is to live and work in Nepal.  My life is guided by strong frameworks to take in unexpected eventualities and problems that come in daily life.  Without them i would be like most people swayed by the external environment, left to only thinkg of finding ways…

Why I became what I am: a Management Consultant

Is the world different or am I  ? After a whole week of one of the most challenging management consulting work at the particular Bank, two articles, two morning classes, I feel restful today.  I realize that I made the best of the imperfect human being I was with weakenes and liabilities that would make…

The Future of Management Consultants

At one time singers, actors and players were taking the back seat on the world stage. Now  they are celebrities outdoing politicians, saints and scientists. Similarly motivators and management consultants are a new  species that I am sure will take the world stage as did prophets in the pasts.  They will change the world. Today the people want inspiration and…