Zone of Bad-Credit-Life

June 4, 2010
2 min read

There was this shopkeeper. He was an electrician. I thought i bought cheap some items from him. But when it was time to pay the bill he gave me one that was 5 times more than i had thought. I was shocked and felt cheated. It was a less fraud than misunderstanding. He was saying the cost per item while i heard the total cost. I ordered five items.

All said, I returned the goods and said i would pay the equivalent rent. He was my neigbor and could have waived off the misunderstanding. But he did not. I paid him half the rent which in my view was still high.

For 10 months i struggled with myself on whether to pay the other half or not. He came and took the first half on a day we call the ‘fortune lady’s day’ (laxmi puja). It was inauspicious. I forgot that and had paid him. So i was angry about this also.

I tried to rationalize in every angle why i should not pay, how it was his mistake, how i was the victim. I even linked it to my supplying works and what i would have done in such a case.

But to tell you the truth i never found closure.

How could i, as i was running away from the real truth: i had made a mistake and had to bear the consequences. Of course in this incidence the consequence was not much , then i was free to take it or not.

However today, after 9 months , i paid this shopkeeper and now i don’t owe anyone.

I am amazed at how anyone can live by owing money to creditors. How can anyone die in peace owin anything to anyone? Be it even love of parents.

I guess they have no conception of what it feels like to live a bad-credit-free life.

I tell you i am back in this zone of bad-credit-free-life. It feels peaceful. No seven star hotels or millions can equal this luxury of bad-credit-free-life.