How life has changed

March 6, 2011
2 min read

How life has changed over the years: its amazing. I realise life is an ever increasing series of challenges. If you don’t succeed in the last obstacle  life throws at you , you will degrade. Then you’ll blame it on old age.

Guys, I think I found the elixir of eternal youth. It’s not a potion or a tablet or even a strict diet.

No it’s a mental, emotional , physical , spiritual discipline.

I watched two relevant movies yesterday , yes after so long because I was waiting for my program the next day. One was 12 rounds and the the other one was about 4 couples going to a resort called eden on a pelican package.

The former was about the extent a villain and a hero would go for love as to design 12 challenges from defusing bombs to stopping a running train and on the side of the villain to go to such extent to avenge the killing of his girlfriend.

The other movie was about marital reality. There were real problims nothing dramatic cr hypothetical. It’s a story of how couples wirk it out.

It was just so easy to relate to them because the couples represented both time periods in the mariasge or different couples types.

I’ve been through so much. I always came out alive .

I recall my days as struggling wanna-be-consultant. I literally begged my way to the top. I survived by ignoring insults thrown at me, total uncertainty. That’s why today I don’t accept payment if I feel i.m not entitled. I don’t work no more to survive. I work because its my mission .

This simple shift in the mental attitude gives me so much more happiness.

I pray that I never have to work just to pay my bills.

I had to stay idle to survive , that is what hurt me the most.

those days