Manohar Man Shrestha: Management Consultant / Trainer / Writer/Venture Capitalist


Manohar Man Shrestha: Management Consultant / Trainer / Writer/Venture Capitalist

Story on Communication and presentation: Wakita and Swarga Dwari

  Once upon a time, at the beginning of the new world cycle, Brahma and Saraswati, gave Manu and his wife Manasi responsibility to build the world from scratch.  The creation would be built in three stages: nature, then population and finally karma.  To put this creation in place, Manu and Manasi gave birth to…

Story on breaking one’s own limitations: Flying Frog

Once upon a time, there was a village of frogs.  That village was inside a well and thus those frogs believed that there was no more to the world than the walls of the well, the tiny islands, the darkness and a small sky.    In that village, the resources were scarce so no frogs…

Managing the world inside

Just a moment back I felt as if the end of my career had come.  Is there a basis to such gushes of insecurity that stream into our minds that eventually spread throughout our body like the venom from a snake bite?  To me such a ‘down’ feeling, can be characterized by: the inability to…