Manohar Man Shrestha: Management Consultant / Trainer / Writer/Venture Capitalist

Manohar Man Shrestha: Management Consultant / Trainer / Writer/Venture Capitalist
Nepal’s problem is similar to the Magic Cube
Whenever a relative or a friend comes from overseas and tell their experiences of the advantages of abundance and lack of problems in terms of basic needs (electricity, water, heat, transport), I feel a kind of silent anger. Today, my trip to a management consulting assignment at Mahendra Nagar (Far west) had to be postponed because of…
First is best? Think again.
I think being the second shop is a good place to be. My mother asked the price of bananas at the first shop. He said Rs.20. She said,” So expensive”. She went to next shop. He said also 20. She bought.
Changing the reality of Nepal
What if we could change the reality of Nepal. It would require a person with infinite mental power whose thought could change many generations old models of dealing with problems, economic growth and living, mass psychological disorders (rioting, corruption, strikes, bandas, impunity), and falling morale of the people. He or she would delve into the…
Why I became what I am: a Management Consultant
Is the world different or am I ? After a whole week of one of the most challenging management consulting work at the particular Bank, two articles, two morning classes, I feel restful today. I realize that I made the best of the imperfect human being I was with weakenes and liabilities that would make…
Whoever you are are, you can live with dignity
In whatever profession you are do it with passion, as a devotion to god. There is no difference in universal terms between the work of a CEO and a bus conductor. A bus conductor ushers people in a bus and makes them sit and takes their ticket fare. Similarly the CEO leads his staff by…
Decoding Confidence: Why and How to Raise Self-esteem in Employees?
It was a challenging project. Five people from the most backward part of Nepalese life because they were Dalits, from remote areas but mostly because they were ‘poor things’ or in Nepali ‘Bichara’ , yet promising, with a sparkle of hope inside, showing in their eyes, were taken in as interns in a big INGO. …
Managing Brain Drain: Responsibility of employers
Has the time come for the Nepalese people to redefine the way they work, their aspirations and their relationships with the younger generation? The political change has occurred: from a monarchy we have become a Republic. Social changes are occurring and are tending towards culmination marked by the cessation of the supremacy of any single…
The New-Age-Manager’s Magic Stick
The confusion Sex, talking about it, is taboo in many societies: ours is such a one. Don’t worry I won’t delve into that topic in any ways other than related to management (!). Conversations on death and old age are sure turn-offs in America: many Americans seem to think that they are contagious…
Self Development: A New Perspective
There are a rising number of people who ask me the question: How Can I Improve (HC2I)? Being a management consultant, I am the best person to guide them towards finding the answer to this age-old question. What if your bosses asked this question? What if your subordinates asked this question? What if your…