Manohar Man Shrestha: Management Consultant / Trainer / Writer/Venture Capitalist


Manohar Man Shrestha: Management Consultant / Trainer / Writer/Venture Capitalist

the greatest spiritual power

The event marked the end of my spiritual quest that began when I was 17. There is nothing else that would have marked the ending of that long journey of mine. But now things are very different and I completed the spiritual aspect of my life at least up to now. I’ve completed the basics…

killing boredom

I was sick after such a long time that I just needed a break and it was good two or three days of complete rest. I’m feeling bored now that I’m feeling better but I still need to get some rest because I would otherwise get some pains in the body. I would resume normal…

the story of life

There are so many things i could do but i can’t do. But as i see the flow of humanity from my window i realize the world has got much more difficulties than I. Some are winning, at least for now, and most are losing. So is losing a the default? I have experienced life…

A life awaiting me

Today I woke up with dreams in which I felt incomplete, mistaken and wanting. I also dreamt that there was some kind of proposal that I had completed and someone asked me to put a cover on it to make it more beautiful. And the subconscious is always one step ahead of the conscious. I…

Mission : Writing

So that’s it it’s time to start writing my new book. I’ve discovered how to exactly manage my writing so that it can become a video book also. I have finished all the framework and all that is left now is to speak my books. I’ve designed a new routine and new formats for writing…

Missing old friends

With the beginning of my new life I will miss all my friends from another world which I had to give up rightly so. And then this cycle of life isn’t it and I explored that world in the last 25 years. I learned so much and that world. I learned things that no one…

Uncertain career

Nepal is going through ever died the session I am not exact from the downfall of economy. I am just wondering which direction my career will go.  There are many things that I could do but I am not doing and many things I want to do but I am not getting to do. That…

Right way to deal with trauma

I have been in deep thinking today.  so many things happened in the last month guys turnover upside down. but then I wouldn’t have Wanted things to be any other ways. at first it seems that it was a darkest moment of my life or any man’s life but then I will realise that it…

Waiting for the deserving clients

Today I feel so normal in my new high level of endorphin stage. I had this dream where I was putting fuel in two or three white aircrafts on the runway. The fuel was green. I sent out two proposals that could really change my career in the coming decade. Again I don’t have my…

Story: theirs and mine

As i look out of my office window, i see so many stories walking past the streets. Some walk alone, some with friends, some with family. Some are in a rush, some have all the the time in the world. Some a laughing, some are sombre. each person has it own story. yet all these…