At times I wonder what would have been different if I had gone to USA like so many of my contemporaries, either to do a Bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree?
From my young age I never had this urge to go to America like all the others. I even didn’t want to do a master’s degree. I was ambition, but is a very different kind of way. It had nothing to do with the world. It was all about some pre-installed concept in my head.
I wanted to reach a star but not one that the world accepted.
In Nepal:
- to get a government job
- to go to America
- to own a business
- to become a PhD
At that time there was no internet and so the concept of billionaire wasn’t that mainstream. But now after so much investigation into wealth I have concluded that even the stars of the American’s isn’t for me:
- be filthy rich
- spend, spend, spend
- invest, invest, invest
- do philantrophy
Even the more common dreams like:
- have unlimited sex, booze, etc
- travel the world
- earn 100K a year
- go to las vegas
Didn’t appeal me.
Unique journey
No instead my objectives in life were so different. At that time I didn’t know why? But now I am 45 and old enough to look back with enough events to back any postulates I have my life, I think I am on to something.
My mission is so big that I am not ready yet to declare myself: is my theory.
I might a lunatic.
I have investigated all the paths of success through micro experiments from trying to be :
But after 20 years I realize I am never going to be like any one of them: neither that rich, that famous, that powerful, that influential. Eventhough I will bet all i have that no one has achieved as much inner peace and wealth as I have by the age of 45. The problem there is no way to measure that inner currency.
No now I am coming to believe I might end up like:
Still I think that would be a too sad ending for the story of my life.
No. My story will be different.