The truth behind illusions

May 6, 2012
2 min read

Illusions are part of every man s life. Knowing that at any one point when you are sure of something, you could be deluded is wisdom. Madness could then be defined as firmly denying that ones current perception might be a delusion when all the facts point towards that direction. Now the question is: are you wise or mad?

Every once in while I meet people who are mad as per the earlier definition. I too was mad one time as per the above definition. But as I grew up I leant how to recognize an illusion from a genuine vision. I made lots of mistakes. However I was lucky I developed this skill of discrimination between illusion and genuine vision at very little cost. Many are not that lucky. They lose millions of currency, destroy many lives and do irreparable damage to themselves in the process of acting on illusions. Truly it’s a sad sight: Great men falling from grace.

So I advise all to remember this truth every you think you’re perfect:
1. Man makes mistakes but doesn’t have to repeat them once he learns from them
2. Man s senses are imperfect but using technology he can reach near perfection
3. Man is constantly bombarded with illusion s but through wisdom he can overcome those leading to genuine vision

Remember ing this will save you from many pains in life.