After reaching the top

May 21, 2017
2 min read

Martin Luther King became a living legend within 5 minutes. His speech, “I have a dream” immortalised him.

Micheal Jackson became the King of pop while young through mainly few songs.

John F Kennedy became the youngest president, the heart throb of millions.

what I am getting at is that to be famous is pretty fast and short lived. Some made millions in the process while others earned nothing. Irrelevant of that I see an inherent problem.

You can be the mightiest in the eyes of millions but human you are only. You need to sleep , excrete , eat. At an emotional level you need relationships . At a mental level you need to understand why it was you and not someone else who made it; then also why now and not earlier or before . At a spiritual level you urge for connection with a deeper sense of existence.

This is why I think living-legends either die young or commit suicide.

How else could it be? Bill Gates & Warren Buffet are doing it. Madonna has done it .

Prince failed and so did Steve Jobs. It is too difficult to live when your identity is bigger than what any human really can be.

Bill & Warren succeeded because they always attribute their success to being born white in USA in the twentieth century. They seem to know that they were mere lucky puppets in the flow of time.

It implies correctly that the others are not that lucky.

The point I want to make is that even having it all can’t make one happy. Even that instance happens so swiftly. So the point is what to do before , during and after when or if one gets lucky?

Many get lucky: there are many thousands of billionaires , hundred thousands of millionaires, millions of celebrities.