Suddenly and then…

April 14, 2012
1 min read

Suddenly it became all clear. But it was not a sudden or one time effort. It was more like how a fraction of weight tilts the balance. the last fragment may get the credit but the real impact was given by earlier weights added.

Vision is very much like that. Also it’s like a cloud drifting away and all become clear.

To those not accustomed to such moments it is hard to explain. But one must enquire into these methods of visualization. Even though I’m practicing, I have not been able to put this knowledge into a comprehensible system.

Well suddenly this vision opened and now I’m able to make the next steps but more than anything, I’ve got this feeling of elation.

It’s where it starts.

Those who are far from my level of awareness, would find this meaningless but I know some of you just needed this key to oprn the door to your next level of growth.