Right way to deal with trauma

March 23, 2024
3 min read

I have been in deep thinking today.  so many things happened in the last month guys turnover upside down. but then I wouldn’t have Wanted things to be any other ways. at first it seems that it was a darkest moment of my life or any man’s life but then I will realise that it was the best thing that should I have necessary things.  I couldn’t have brought the change in me that this event brought in me any other way. It was not that I was doing anything wrong but what my mind was drifting into urgent leading anywhere truth and all have  wasted my life Away is this event had not occured. 

I get serious thinking about how bad we even was and how was it crazy come but then I also know that there was no easier way or less harmful.  Most people are not able to deal with trauma the way i did.  Having gone through such a big trauma which is one of the biggest and having healed within a month,  having recovered fully,  I realise that it so easy for people to sow the seeds of  cancer and psychological disorders in this process if they Mishandle it.

Should I say i was  lucky or should I say because of my vast knowledge I will not be getting cancer from this event because I did not allow mutation of my genes to occur out of this trauma Although it was so easy to let it happen.

Similarly  I could have develop a severe state of depression and bipolarity. It should have been very easy for me to become psychotic, suicidal  and paranoid Even developed ptsd.

What occurred  to me was something that occurs one in a billion probability like a lightning striking and hitting you out of Nowhere but it had its reason and I am very aware of what are the reasons: not only of this life but my past lives and mission henceforth this point.

What happened this time remind me of similar event that was not as so I take as this one but still was bad enough in my school days.  if that negative event at an occur I would not have become the person I am today in terms of intellectuality and independence and spirituality.  again the perpetuator didn’t really care what happened to me and may be would have liked m to kill myself. But defying the odds I became super survivor like now.

We cannot  forget a trauma like deleting a  file for a computer. We have to seriously work on those memories parallelly from the future or the present now. If not flashbacks will become the norm and we can be triggered by anything thus leading to ptsd or episodes of depressions.