Retired from retirement

May 10, 2017
1 min read

Slowly I am coming back to active life after retirement. It lasted only one year but I was prepared to stretch it into decades until I fulfilled by objective for retiring .

Financially, physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, karma-wise, socially : I had milestones to attain in these 7 dimensions to call my retirement off.

Physically : 67 kg, 3 hrs exercise , 2600 cal food ; all forms of exercise covered in 3hrs

Financially : earn enough only , spend in what matters only ; if any surplus save for compounding and invest through my venture capital firm

Spiritually : 1.5 hrs of near-Samadhi deep meditation ; mastery of the 12 cognitive functions that will now come with me after I die into eternity or multiple rebirths

Emotionally : Forgive & forget all wrongs I perceived others have done me; zero negative feelings towards anyone and anything

mentally : acquire knowledge as a way of life : audiobook in car , always carry a book, Youtube lectures , writing blogs & articles

Karma-wise : Identify people from my past lives and lead them to happiness and wealth formation .

socially : lead my family and community