I’m at the crossroad of life. Before it was just conceptual : a state I’d heard about and read about. I wondered what I’d do if i reached this hypothetical state of the height of existence some people call enlightenment for a lack of better words. First of all in it not one stop but a series of stop. It seems the enlightenment stages her more and not profound after each subsequent awakening but sometimes it’s hard to say if there is only one direction up or deep.
So here I’m at this cross road unable to decide which road to take.
Whichever road i take i know it is already pre destined, that in the future I’ve already taken the road. It is just that now I don’t know which one it was.
My life has been magical. Although the world will only recognise the blitz only so as to give such attributes to anyone s life , my life’s magic is so subtle that no mind can see it except someone in my path.
Today I’m a millionaire in every sense. I have enough of money time influence yo lead a complete life for myself. I’ve got the aspiration to be a billionaire to have enough money to finance amazing and great projects that none could or would. Otherwise I’m content with my millionaireship status.
So at the cross road of life one road is a straight one continuing my existence as this silent enlightened millionaire until i die.
There are other roads too. Yet it seems that a large water surface or a big mountain or an obstruction stands in between. Then i don’t have the capacity to over come those obstacles on my own. Then I see no one around capable to join me.
One road leads to … I don t even like to think of that being overwhelmed by the obstacles I see.
It is hard yet this time at this crossroad is so blissful. I am able to relish everything. It seems everything is in control.
I also know change is imminent and that a road will open up or someone will help me overcome the obstacle. It has always been that way that I always reach my vision sooner or later.
Yet I feel this wait at this crossroad is for me to perfect certain habits of success I developed over last year of semi-retirement.
I am intoxicated in my own bliss of millionairship: having enough of everything for eternity.
I wonder why to even think of moving? But I am compelled from within and thus I find myself at this cross-road of life like Buddha found himself after enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in the jungle.
My destiny is even greater : it is a mix of Buddha, Einstein, Bill Gates , Warren Buffet.
Yet now I don’t want any of these immersed in my state of millionaireship.