It is something like watching a magical revelation as I watch my ceo client perform. He Shifts wave lengths of Conversation like gear:
- its one to one courseling sessiOn with a staff;
- Followed by a briefing to an event
- finalizing the ad by cheking minute error onl be ad next day
- Giving the decision to accept defeat by returning ful payment adored to sale
- Meeting with a betrayer calmly
- asking ideas and registering filtering , Implementing
- Signing cheques
- Recieving calls politely of investors
Besides this his job description would be as follows
- Delegating and decentralizing tO the extent Of missing all the glamor
- Intervening just when needed as if he had a muse
- Authorizing and advising on new procedures
- Hiding and disclosing information and secrets
- Getting updated on latest news
- Making inventory of all possible solutions, ailing on them and knowing when to let go
- Aligning his efforts to cosmic will
- Thinking of motives behind questionable aCtions of staffs
- Re- programMing mindsets
- Enforcing Cultural norms : behavior, altitude , Values and aspirations
- Getting data aNd analysis for strategy for mulation
- Accelerating and braking events
- forging partnerships
- Financial forcasting : meeting with banks
- Getting Intelligence from work place and market: being omnipresent
- Choosing the right person fOr job
- Initiate Designing products and pricing
- Anticipating possible problems, hazards , threats, change needed.
- Damage control
- Staying atop office politics
- Keeping group motivation high through meetings
- Remembering who needs vegetarian lunch
- Making stitCh on time to save nine Through counseling
- Making visions
- SelliNg dreams as output of his visions
- Organising relalionShips :people to people, people to work , work to work , people to authority, people to Responsibity through structures ard restructuring