Spiritual Side

articles about soul, mind, life and the journey to absolute happiness and success and how they can be linked to our daily realities of material living: earning, spending, society and community.

Looking from high up

At 48, I have dropped all my ambitions when others peak with their ambitions. I have chosen a play along strategy. At times I think of how people are living at the same time as I am vis-a-vis what I am doing, for example, swimming in peak hour. At that time others are probably doing…

Adjusting for samadhi

Lately I am feeling different. May be I have become more tolerant and less anxious about career and life. Maybe I feel more certain about my destiny. My samadhi is become more perfect. Thus I need to meditate more intensely during exercise time and may be that is causing the tiredness. I am able to…

The science of creation

I am feeling tired since a few days. May be it is due to the stomach ache I had or may be it is due to a shift in my consciousness. I feel different. I feel like I have figured the final piece of puzzle of life and that I am thus tired. I think…


I am back from the kakani trip that I had been dreading. It is now over with. Something peculiar occured this time. I just left like I had died and my soul was flying away. I thought “this is how it must be after I die.” I recalled no one, nothing. But one thing came,…

Finding my truth

New feelings are rising in me. Especially that I have nothing I want to give or to take from others. However I have open to anything that others want to give or take from me. What does that imply or even mean, I am myself confused at times and thus I am writing this blog…

My crown of knowledge

The classes at the college are finally reaching an end. I have been repeating the same thing for 30+ times. I managed to learn and improve tremendously. The knowledge I developed in unique and revolutionary. I have finally applied the theory that were so distant in the Gita into a usable relatable framwork. I am…

Being the next Buddha

A week ago I had a dream where my guru ordered me to remove a necklace of flower I was wearing. I did not understand at that time. Anything about neck is related about ego. Now I realize it means that I must embrace my new identity: free, enlightened, the next Buddha, without fear.

Science of wisdom

I have become so well versed in the framework of happiness hormones, I can explain the most complex states. Before I said, why buy an expensive car? It will be a burdent later on. It is not worth it. Why own a gigantic company? It will bring you more pain than the pride of being…

My new Role in the world

Lately a change occured in me. It is mainly due to my new work with the 10+2 students. For the first time in my training life I have found that I can make a real difference. I think it has to do with this age group of 16 to 18. May be I am right…

Rise of the mode of goodness

As I see people I know in linkedin get ‘likes’ for their achievements, I used to feel jealous, my cortisol level increasing. Today I feel different in my chain of thoughts of the past days where I am realizing I have become old, too old to try something dramatically new. I have set my path…