All Posts By manohar man shrestha

I am back

It has just been an eternity i have not been on this seat of mine, posted videos and wrote my blogs. I was busy, sick and most of all I was doing soul searching about what to do next with my online presence. I have found out my Fb and linkedin videos are working fine…

Prologue to a break

I am feeling unusually slow and peaceful. I feel like doing nothing. May be I am tired but with an increased meat diet, physical tiredness has decreased a lot. I think I am tired of living and its monotony. It is not that I am seeking andrenalin rush. I also don’t want that. I am…

the power of complaint

Last several days after the continuous trainings I got very tired. I don’t remember being this tired. Still because of my routine I worked out , swam, worked. I felt totally drained. I think it was because of my new style of training which is so much filled with in-depth knowledge. I never imagined people…

The Fifth Discipline: WBRX53

General details of book Originally published: 1990 Author:  Peter M. Senge Page count: 445 Genre: Management   What is this book about? This is monumental book that if you care to read and understand can help you succeed as the leader of your own life or of a multi-billion company of tens of thousands or…

Real Luxury in the mind

Lately I am feeling an indomitable sense of dignity and fearlessless. Worries, pettiness, over sentitiveness were still disturbing me despite my exalted state. After a book on happiness, I was able to find the cause. Cortisol is built up in high amount around a negative thought because of evolution. In the earlier days it was…

My exalted state

Lately I am fixated on my past life as Sariputa especially as I read books about Buddha. So now I recall 3 lives: atisha and rupa goswami. Slowly I am rising above being Manohar and being a summation of all my past lives. It is not simple. But I am experiencing a new state of…


I finally got a trampoline after almost thinking of it for over 6 years and having read about Anthony Robbins used it daily. I got to test in the resort 5 years back. It did not feel so special but it felt good on both my body and mind. After working on my trampoline, I…

My default destiny

As I walk with the only worry of how to make my participants happy for 8 hours, as part of my job and being paid a month’s salary of a mid level manager per day, I realize how foolish I was to want a life of constant panic as a in-house consultant for Mega Bank….


I had a deep sleep last night. I have travelled a lot in upto now and after the corona lockdown I realized that there is no point of hyping this. Travel is just part of my job. Travel offers me a different state of mind. It differs at different times of life. sometimes i feel…

My blissful life

Today I felt much more upbeat than the last few days. Everything just lined up perfectly after a messy transit. As I was sipping tea yesterday from my window seat looking at the trees, I just recalled that I was living a 5 star resort life. I am so fortunate to have this life of…