Career plans for a BEL Man

April 5, 2019
1 min read

Career planse of Balanced, Enlightened and Liberate Man

I have closed every other career options as i grew older. the most important ones are that given my divine call of:

  1. not owning a company
  2. not holding a title of authority
  3. not having a physical place to sit in an office

I will not become a business owner, a CEO and a full time staff anywhere. The last ten years I had to test these 3 tenets that were revealed to me in my teens.

In this new economic era, my skills will be best used in the current job I do as a

  • Freelance trainer
  • Independent management Consultant
  • Philosopher or writer or thinker

With such a narrow field of work, i realize I have become like a laser. Before i was divergent, willing to do anything. Now I am very focussed. It seems weary at times. But I have all the time in the world. I have nothing to aspire to buy from a sudden increase in income.

All I want to enjoy in my luxurious lifestyle of free time and free mind.