Karmic perspective to Nepal bandas

March 29, 2009
1 min read

In the past if someone died, no one would care.  Now also not many would care.  But if you happened to join a political party then your death will stop the nation, leading to a riot, a banda, and eventually a curfew.  That is if you are shot or wounded.  No such perks if you die of a disease.  But if you are a run down by a vehicle on a highway you will get similar ovation. 

There is a romantic perspective to this.  Many people wish secretely that when they die the world stops.  Isn’t it what happened to so many political party members?  May be Nepal is giving a way for people to exhaust their karma (that of the world stopping when they die).  In other countries even celebrities don’t get such a fanfare at their death.  Life goes on even if anyone dies. 

Eventually this karmic chakra will end.  Till then we will have to wait.