Me and my past life

July 15, 2019
2 min read

At 45 I am without a worry like a multi-millionaire’s son. I try to get work in my passion not for money but so that i have some purpose. Only thing is that i created his wealth. I just worked 10 years seriously, saved, allowed my wife to manage my money and then i am suddenly so rich. Of course the wealth building started with my grandparents, continued with my parents and in my time. There are many people with my kind of wealth and much much more , but the difference is that i know the purpose of my wealth: to find peace, liberation and enlightenment.

within a few months i found these too and now i was in the odyssey of samadhi. It won’t end and every day i am going further and further.

without the state of no-work i am in now, i could not have made this journey into the OBE. thus i know it is a complete play of myself. It will go on until i achieve something. Then ? i don’t know. Definitely I will be given some work to do.

I know i ran away from home in my past life to find what i have today. and also i know i hurt so many people in the process. My mother had told me that she would not disturb me and do what i had to do in the palace. But the fashion in those days was to escape sansara. I feel sorry for them. So much i never went back and died far far away.

In this life, i wanted to make it all right. In fact it is even more suitable for spriritual growth to do in sansara, provided of course you are rich enough. but too much rich would spoil the opportunity. it wasn’t any surprise i reached just the right amount of wealth needed.

I realize it is not possible to attain the samadhi i have achieved without:

a home

a family to feed you

a routine to keep the body fit and healthy

technology to learn and share knowledge

an occupation or career for the mind’s vacuum

fulfilling one’s karma