Day log 23 march

March 23, 2017
2 min read

The last part of the day i watched a video of a rhinpoche. It made me remember many things.

In the morning exercise time i contemplated in the inevitability of two major events in my life and how I’d cope with them.

I found my first disciple but i don’t want to coax him. I’ve given him the choice to follow me or not.

The strong urge for me to become a billionaire is getting bigger. I feel closer having identified the idea that will make me the richest man on earth. It was a hard one to find. I don’t know if i can pull it off.

If i fail I’ll write a book on it and hopefully someone will execute it. If i was a bit different I’d have done it myself but because of my nature i have to rely on followers. Let’s see.

At client’s side I’m getting impatient at delays in payment and the uncertainty of the relationship itself as i know these people are unstable. I’ve determined an exit strategy if things go sour. Again let’s see.

Swimming was joyful as always.

This week onwards clients are calling in as the season of college is starting again.

My old laptop is not working upon checking after 5 years. Must be the dust.

My wife cooked a great macaroni dish today.

My afternoon nap was rejuvenating as always.

Tomorrow seems to be a hectic day.

Going into samadhi and so I’m downloading the day log so it doesn’t disturb me.