Cities of nepal

March 5, 2011
1 min read

I travel often around nepal regularly. I wonder all those times what is similar between all the cities in nepal or what is different. After 10 years of traveling I found the answer .

It’s the roads first of all: they are built so that the most money can be saved or should I say distributed through the various channels. The roads are the narrowest possible.

There is no demarkation between where cars roll and people walk.

That is the biggest difference from the cities I lived and visited in the rest of the world.

Then it’s the people who all speak nepali, wear similar clothes.

Then there is no streelight anywhere.

Cars are the same.

Buses are operated using the same organization.

And the most similar thing is the soil and dust. We are seeing less and less of soil. I think that’s what we call development.