Uproooting inaction

June 12, 2009
1 min read

Despite having so much talent inside of you, you are not able to bring them out.  You are unnecessarily nervous. The reason may lie behind fears:

1.  Fear of rejection

2.  Fear of losing

3.  Fear of bad feeling

4.  Fear of making mistakes

5.  Fear of being laughed at

6.  Fear of death of ego/image

7.  Fear of failure

Now you may be suffering from fear in various degrees.  Like

1.  Dust on a table

2.  Dirt on skin

3.  The paws and jaws of a tiger on one

4.  A baby in a womb

5.  Pieces of meat at the butcher’s shop

Everyone is thus suffering from fears that is hindering them from expressing themselves fully by doing what they want. 

One must overcome these fears and be a free spirit.  In order to achieve this here are some tools:

1.  Positive thinking

2.  Instropsection

3.  Confidence building

4.  Starting doing things like staring to swim from the shallow end

5.  Professional couseling

So now you can uproot the causes of inaction.