The battle against weight gain

July 22, 2010
2 min read

When you reach a certain level of success, food is too ample and most of time free.  You wished that was the case when one were unemployed.  But such is the process of life. 


It is at these time of illusionary grandeur that one forgets that food means calories.  This will lead to fats.  These will lead to weight gain. 


It is a tough choice to put a break to this process of increase in waist line.  After that choice is made then it is a battle. 


My weapons to fight weight gain are:

  1. taking my weight every day, in the morning, wearing the same night suit, on the same machine, after the same morning rituals
  2. exercise 30 min at least.  My exercise is heavy duty skipping continuously for half an hour.  It is not only demanding on the body but most on the mind. 
  3. diet control.  I covert all food I eat into calories value (in my mind) and eat accordlingly.  3000 kcal is 1kg.  1 aveage meal is 1000 kcal.  One glass of coke is around 200kcal.  One uses only around 1500 cal a day if you are doing sedantry work or just standing and motivating like me.  So the moment one eats one meal extra, he gains calories.  In a week they add up to 3000 kcal and voila you have 1 kg more of fats.  30 min of skipping used to burn 3000kcal at the beginning for me but now they only burn 1500 kcal because of my increased stamina (been doing it everyday since 2 years).  1 hour of running has the same effect. 3  hours of walking too. 


Modern successful man is doing more work with his mind and soul than his body.  In my business of motivating and consulting stamina is required as well as good physique but not enough calaries are burnt.  What to say of managers, accountants, scientists, programmers and so on. 


Looking this battle is detrimental to your soul. 


In my management consulting and motivating business I can’t work without soul.  So I choose to win this battle against weight gain. 


What about you?Â