One day…

January 6, 2019
1 min read

Sitting this morning and reading the news of movers and shakers, at 45, I feel a bit left behind. A kind of frustration tries to fill me. Am I happy with what I have become? could I have become more? is this all?

What I know is that I am happy with my life. Of course there could have been more action but then the cost on my inner peace would have been too high.

Always retaining my inner peace, I must say whatever I have achieved is remarkable. so I don’ t have any regrets.

Yet i know that my life doesn’t end here. in fact it has not even began. Sure I don’t know any minister, or any big shot and my days of screwing people for loans, is over before it even started, but I am always in the eyes of god.

So despite the temporary down feeling, I am upbeat.

One day I will be called upon to contribute to the development of the world.