no follower

April 13, 2020
2 min read

My biggest or may only frustration is that I have not a single follower. I have found the ultimate truth and I am living with the gods, yet I cannot reveal myself because no one would believe my experience.

Fakes, and liars and deluded people are leading millions. Millions are following madness, yet they don’t even care about all my work. I don’t blame them. How can they recognize me? Also I don’t care to lead any one. I am busy with my progress and enjoying my life as a sole traveller into the spiritual world. Selfish? at least the world doesn’t care.

It is may be my time has not come. But even if it does come, I do want to molded into the image of followers. the relationship between leader and follower is twisted, demented and sickening. I myself escaped from such dooming traps at least 4 times. Because i refused to fit in their image of guru, they left. Good for me.

But i pity them because they are looking up at people who will never be able to show them the way.

Yet if i was given this task it would be impossible because i know every person’s path is different. May be if I can intergrate AI into spiritual growth, i will be able to lead millions but with the current approach to knowledge it is better that I die unknown.

still life is unpredictable, especially after corona virus. So i don’t know if i will really left alone for ever.