Doubts to destroy

November 12, 2013
1 min read

I know so much about life, enough to succeed in fulfilling my purpose but it doesnt stop doubts arising in me.
1. what if the framework of life I am following is wrong?
2. what if my assumptions are wrong?
3. what if then is no god?
4. what if I dont have the capability to lead my company into the Uncertain future?
5. what if the forces of opposition both in the material world and spiritual world overcome me?

These doubts are hindrances in the very objective they try to meet which Is to assure my success by posing as questions. They must be addressed but after a point once One Is clear one must destroy these doubts.

This is the moment like
giving up your life jacket in the sea
removing the side wheels of your cycle
a baby walking leaving the support of his parents

Such a moment has to occur.

I too must leave the above five doubts.

what about you? what are your doubts?