After attaining samadhi, people think it is the end. I always knew theoritically it was not so, but now I have reached that stage, I realize it is true that it is a new beginning.
It really makes sense to achieve samadhi 45 to 50 years before dying because if you achieve it too late, it is not use.
If you die in samadhi, all you will get is immortality of soul, supreme bliss and absolute knowledge. however you will never be able to contribute anything to the system.
On the other hand, attaining samadhi too early in life, is also meaningless because you wouldn’t know how to affect the system in order to fix problems and explore new possibilities for the human race. instead you would come back from a supremely blissful state to a mundane state with delusion, and certain powers that will eventually corrupt you. Most likely you won’t be able to go back to samadhi.
So in my position of having reached samadhi at will, with 45 years of life knoweldge and another 45 years to live, is something highly desirable.
I still don’t know the full scope of my work but i know it is about :
- exploring the unknown world at that frequency 1 Hz of the mind.
- many yogis that gone much further than the general mass of yogis that constitute my masters and friends, so i need to organize all these efforts
- lead the older generations of yogis and the upcoming ones
- take the knowledge of the world in the 21st century to solve problems in the 1hz frequency world of samadhi
My friends are without bodies, so definitely whatever work they have to do, they need my help. they’ve taken this far for this objective.
If you read this blog, you must feel a bit amazed but then this blog is about me and the true me without any masks, naked. I write now because one day the world might want to know me and they should understand how I made it. Also it should not be a shock to the world that I am more than meets the eyes.
In the past, yogis used intoxicants to reach the 1 hz brain frequency needed. Today I use binaural beats. Without an external stimulant it is nearly impossible to jump into a sustained , repeatable samadhi. All you will achieve it deep meditation.
Finally to log my achievement till date I want to mention that I have successfully separated the 5 bodies from one another, so they can work independently:
- physical body
- energy body (ethereal body)
- emotions body (astral body)
- mental body
- causal body (memory body)
No yogi today will achieve samadhi by following buddhist or hindu teachings alone. It is not enough. I was guided my my teachers to read everything that modern science published. My achievements will mark the beginning of new lineage of yogis or simply human beings.