Reborn at 43, I feel 23. I’ve made it. I’ve attained “millionaireship”. I’ve already achieved what no human has achieved.
What I will say won’t even be conceivable to anyone.
l. Enough net worth for 2 generations
2. Enough cashflow for this lifetime
3. Mastery of fitness routine
4. Attainment of sahaj Samadhi
5. Mastery of my learning routine
6. Ageless highly saleable skills of training & management consulting & writing aquired & branded
7. Detachment level whilst in family
8. Fulfilment of all my desires and now feeling like ocean in thousands of rivers flow but no effect.
9. Built my dream house
10. Able to fulfill my duty to all
11. Completion of all my karma of this life and past lives
Few will ever know the bliss I feel.
This state I call “Millionaireship” : material security in this lifetime and spiritual security over hundred lifetimes.
Now the problem is I attained this state too early, at half time of life. So I needed to set a new goal for the next half of life.
I call it “Billionaireship” : material wealth enough to change this world and spiritual wealth enough for my legacy to last thousands of years to billions.
40 years and the countdown began at 43.
But I am not going to leave my opulences I got used to after millionaireship, so I am taking my time to cross the boarder to billionaireship.