An aura matter

December 12, 2010
1 min read

My aura is like estinguished. It has been a vcry active week for my aura. Where  I used to be stressed before at mind level now I am transmitting the problems at aura level for solution.

I fought hard with my  aura. Now I feel tired at aura level. It is a new experience for me and really don’t know what I should do or eat to replenish tre aura. However know that will-power will restore  the  aura.

Yesterday’s assigment required me to to penetrate into a group aura that was leaderless. I had ‘to take  over bows air handed over my l re Chairman in one hour.

The projeCt is for three  days. Now it is in control.

At this stage Of  life every problem even spouse’s bickering stop affecting you.